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Two brothers, two passions: Engineering and Soccer.

Growing up playing LEGO, as adults with engineering degrees we always have had the passion to work with our hands and convert our ideas into reality.  


So when we needed a WallBed for our studio apartment, we decided to make it ourselves. Although the very first bed was functional, we did not like a lot of aspects about it. Yearning to produce a perfect product, we kept trying different approaches and designs for a period of 4 years. Now we feel confident to share our solution with others.


With creative and innovative approaches we could manage to simplify our designs and manufacturing process to reduce our costs to the extent that WallBed is luxurious at an affordable price.

We love this quote from legendary Johan Cruyff  about soccer and we try to reflect that in every aspect of our work:

 Playing football is very simple, but playing simple football is very hard.

As minimalists we love to provide elegantly simple solutions to seemingly complicated problems. By simplifying the design and reducing the cost we tried to make wall beds more accessible for Canadians who have to deal with increasing prices in real state market and smaller living spaces.



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